Small Town Garden, Marlborough
Spring 2017
A tiny back garden was simply laid to lawn, overlooked on all sides and dominated by the brick walls of neighbouring properties.  It wasn't a space that could be enjoyed and there was no reason to venture out to it.
Planting was key to the scheme - high level screening was needed to obscure neighbouring buildings, evergreen shrubs to lend structure and a mixture of planting textures, heights and density to draw the eye away from the boundary. The lawn was reduced to a minimum to enable the borders to be as deep as possible.
Pleached hornbeams were chosen to create a high level screen, whilst groups of Ilex crenata topiary balls provided a simple structure. Each plant needed to be hard working, giving a long period of interest, so perennials such as Geranium 'Orion', Alchemilla mollis & Liriope muscari were chosen for their lengthy flowering periods. Climbers, including Hydrangea petiolaris and Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carriere' were planted to cover the expanse of north-facing brick wall. Height was added with Verbena bonanriensis and Aconitum 'Ivorine' whilst Polystichum acueatum and Hosta 'Patriot' added variations in texture.