Small Town Garden, Potterne
Autumn 2021
Unloved and unused the rear garden of this property was in need of a rethink. Working closely with the client to stick to a tight budget we managed to transform both the back and front garden.
The garden was difficult to use, steps up to the lawn narrowed access around the house and there was no planting, creating a hard, empty space. Given the size of the garden it was decided that a lawn was impractical and moving the steps was essential.
Once the steps had been relocated and new terrace constructed the gardens potential could be seen. Surrounding the terrace with planting would soften the boundaries, in time screening out the fencing and neighbouring properties.
A multi-stem Cercis 'Forest Pansey' will eventually screen the tops of neighbouring greenhouses with fragrant evergreen clematis scrambling over the fencing to soften the boundary. Evergreen shrubs, Sarcococca confusa and Skimmia 'Kew Green' bring structure with all-rounders such as Alchemilla mollis and Geranium 'Ingwersen's Variety' creating an understorey.